Operation &

Operation &  Maintenance

Maintenance, Diagnosis and Evaluation
The Optimal Solutions to Improve Your System Efficiency

1Operation & Maintenance

Solar Power Systems are not maintenance free. Proper Maintenance is key for optimal performance of an existing Solar Power system.

Why is maintenance necessary?

There are various causes of malfunctions in solar power generation systems, such as natural disasters, deterioration over time, breakdowns and mischief. Module cracks can be visually checked. Any system accidents, ground faults, short circuits, etc., can be verified with alarms from the monitor.

However, malfunctions in nonvisible areas such as inside the module are not easily noticed even if the generated power amount is low, and as a result of the progress of the symptoms, other devices are adversely affected and the amount of power sold decreases.

Periodic inspection enables early detection and reliable maintenance for your successful power generation business.

  • PCS break down
  • Solar Panel damaged or corrosion
  • System side accident
  • Ground fault or Short circuitin DC / AC side

Problems That Can Be Discovered Through Maintenance

  • Panel damage due to typhoons, lightning strikes, and snow cover

    Panel damage due to typhoons, lightning strikes, and snow cover

  • Dirty panel due to bird droppings

    Dirty panel due to bird droppings

  • Panel removal or damage due to improper attachment or loose connection

    Panel removal or damage due to improper attachment or loose connection

  • Short-circuiting and burning due to small animals

    Short-circuiting and burning due to small animals

  • ケーブルの損傷・焼損

    Cable damage / burnout

  • パネル内部の不具合

    Panel Internal Defect

Through periodic maintenance, the amount of these problems can be reduced.

Annual / Spot Inspections
Inspection of power generation facilities with dedicated measuring instruments

  • I-V Characteristic Measurement

    I-V Characteristic Measurement

  • String Resistance Measurement

    String Resistance Measurement

  • Insulation Resistance Measurement

    Insulation Resistance Measurement

Monthly InspectionInspection of the entire power plant with a focus on visual inspection
  • Visual Inspection of Solar Panels

    Visual Inspection of Solar Panels

  • PCS Internal Visual Inspection  and Error Checking

    PCS Internal Visual Inspection and Error Checking

  • Visual Inspections of Other Components

    Visual Inspections of Other Components

  • Visual Inspection of High Voltage Equipment

    Visual Inspection of High Voltage Equipment

  • Record Instrument Readings

    Record Instrument Readings

Precision Inspection
Investigating the cause of a defective part by thorough inspection

  • Inspect with a Thermal Camera

    Inspect with a Thermal Camera

  • EL Luminescence Test

    EL Luminescence Test

Module Check using a Drone

A visual inspection from above using a drone equipped with a thermal camera enables a wide area to be confirmed in a short time, and a module suspected of being defective can be detected quickly.

※ Inspection by drone is performed only when necessary.

Module Check with a Drone

2Facility Diagnosis & Evaluation Services

Perform a technical evaluation of the quality level and value, by diagnosing the soundness of the overall configuration of the equipment for power generation systems and facilities.
Based on the results, we will propose concrete measures to implement “Revamping and/or Repowering” of Solar Power Systems.

  • Check.1

    Solar Panel Check

    Without removing the installed solar panels, the same test as performed at the pre-shipment inspection will be performed at site using special maintenance test equipment.

    Solar Panel Check

  • Check.2

    Inspection of the Entire Power Plant

    Inspect and measure the facilities of the entire power plant.

    Inspection of the Entire Power Plant

  • Check.3

    Overall Evaluation of the Entire System

    Based on the above inspection results, we will comprehensively evaluate the power generation system in 8 areas that are not generally checked.

    Feasibility Feasibility (System Evaluation)
    Continuity Electricity Sale Continuity
    (Income Balance)
    Productiveness Productiveness
    (Power Generation Efficiency,
    Cost Performance)
    Quality & Reliability Quality / Safety / Reliability
    Serviceability Ease of Maintenance(Maintainability)
    Ambient Conditions Ambient Environment Conditions
    (for Power Generation Facilities)
    Environmental Resistance Environmental resistance / Dust Resistance (Facility Durability)
    Equipment Design Conformity to the Landscape, Design, Appearance, P.R

    Overall Evaluation of the Entire System

Consultation About O & M

Power generated amount is lower than last year

How much does the maintenance service cost?

Having trouble of making preparation toward output control.

Power generated amount is lower than last year


It’s difficult to inspect the plant because it’s located far away

I don’t understand why the inverter stops working sometimes

Please contact us for business details, questions or concerns.